Nemacy Uganda

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Uganda Network for Empowerment of the Marginalized Child and Youth (NEMACY)-Uganda is a registered Indigenous National Network under Registration No. INDR57931999NB and Permit No. INDP53781999NB with National Bureau for Non-Government Organisations since 2001 in order to harmonize the different interventions promoting Children and Youth welfare faced by Civil Society Organizations by the then Jinja Municipal Council Authorities. The Network was registered as a Community-Based Organization (CBO) by Jinja District Local Government in 2003 and as an NGO in 2005. Since 2001, the Network is at the centre of promoting Child, Youth Care, Advocacy, Networking, Research, and Sustained Development with a Secretariat in Jinja City. NEMACY-Uganda currently has 32 member Organisations whose core mandate is promoting the welfare of children, youths and women in the Busoga Sub-Region and beyond.  


NEMACY-Uganda protects and preserves human, socio-economic and environmental rights and promotes equity, equality and development in most underserved communities in the region. It responds to poverty motivated deprivations and rights violations that limit achievement of human potential and happiness in the sub-region. The sub-region presents with some of the worst forms of poverty that manifest in form of child abuse and neglect in form of child poverty, child exploitation, teenage pregnancy, youth unemployment, drugs and juvenile delinquency, street connected children and youth, food and income insecurity, environmental challenges, crimes and social injustices.

Since inception, the Network has supported directly 4,772 children and youth and indirectly over 25,045 children and youth through basic needs provision at the Transit Centre, the Child Rights Radio Programmes, Child Rights Clubs, Medical support, Schools and Community Outreaches, Health Centres, youth skilling, among others in; Jinja city, Jinja, Mayuge, Kamuli, Iganga, Kaliro, Namutumba, Bugiri, Namayingo, Luuka, Bugweri and Buyende Districts and has been a reference point for impactful interventions in child, youth and women development programming.

NEMACY-Uganda operates through local Implementing Partners (IPs) that constitute the Network. These include; Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Child Rights Advocates (CRAs) and Government Departments (Child and Family Protection Units, Education, Justice-Courts, Production, Health, Planning, Probation and Social Welfare and Community Development Offices) and the Private Sector.

Core Objectives

  • To network, coordinate and implement programmes of child, youth and women focused members while building alliances with other Networks and Agencies which promote child, youth and women focused national and international plans, agendas, laws and policies;
  • To undertake research, innovations, documentation, share knowledge, skills, disseminate research findings, information, best practices and lessons learnt among members, NGOs, government departments and other stakeholders pertaining to child, youth and women programming;
  • To lobby and advocate government and other agencies for conducive laws and policies which should be responsive to the needs of the children, youth and women in Uganda and actively participate in development and implementation of local, national and international child youth and women plans, laws and policies;
  • To equip youths with resources and skills in addressing household poverty, Disability, mental health, Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights, unemployment, drug abuse, crime, over dependence and other related socio-economic challenges;
  • To promote sustainable development through climate change adaptation mechanisms, environmental and natural resources protection, waste management, clean energy, pollution reduction, food security, transport, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene by using children, youth and women as change agents;
  • To establish child and youth ICT and Innovation Hubs and Transit Centres which will provide Innovation and Training, Care, Early Childhood Education and Development, Psychosocial Support, Vocational Training and other related services to children and youth under rehabilitation and community;
  • To build and strengthen the capacity of NEMACY-Uganda’s Secretariate, staff, members and other stakeholders to effectively provide services to vulnerable children, youth and women groups;
  • To promote good governance, social accountability, honesty, participation, patriotism, rule of law, peace, equity, equality and justice for all;
  • To engage stakeholders in local social enterprise financing activities and other resource mobilization strategies by soliciting and receiving of funds in form of donations/grants, equity from local and international sources for running the NEMACY-Uganda Secretariat and member organizational programmes;
  • To support communities during emergencies and disasters like floods, earthquakes, conflicts, landslides, rainstorms, droughts, etc. aiming at the most vulnerable community members like children, youths, women and Persons With Disabilities;
  • To run educational and media activities through social and conventional media on matters pertaining to the welfare of children, youth and women and Persons With Disabilities;
  • To undertake any other social-economic actions and do all such lawful things or anything appropriate, incidental, which in the opinion of the members is necessary to achieve any or all of these objectives above and purposes of the Network.


“Coordinating and Implementing Interventions of Members to Enhance an Inclusive, Safe and Secure Environment for Children, Youths and Women through Empowerment, Creation of Opportunities for Rescue, Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Economic Sustenance” 


Safe, Secure and Sustainable Communities for Children, Youths and Women”

Core Values

  • Inclusion
  • Teamwork
  • Professionalism
  • Rights Orientation
  • Impact and Sustainability
  • Efficiency and Accountability

Strategic goals

  • To enhance an inclusive, safe, and secure environment for children, youths and women that upholds and promotes their growth and sustenance;
  • To promote sustained food and income security in caretaker homes and provide basic needs for children and youth to maintain them in their families and communities;
  • To rally citizens towards inclusive and sustainable use of environmental resources to avert climate change risks;
  • To undertake Research and Innovation to inform development programming in supported communities;
  • To strengthen the capacity of the secretariate, local and regional organisations to contribute to the wellbeing of communities and national development.